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Module for MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 4/5
132.00 eur
122.00 eur
112.00 eur
102.00 eur
92.00 eur
Module for MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 4/5 Module for MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 4/5
Suitable for truck makes
all trucks
TGM - engine MAN D20 / 26/28 (1990-2019), TGS - engine MAN D20 / 26/28 (1990-2019), TGX - engine MAN D20 / 26/28 (1990-2019)
Choose emulator (38)
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Frequently asked questions
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There are lots of similar devices available on various sites. Where are they from?
  • Development
Is it necessary to keep SCR system or it can be removed after deactivation?
  • Operation, connection
What is the difference between your emulator and emulators of other manufacturers?
  • Development
Who provides technical support to the customers?
  • Support
Should the neutralization system be in good order for being deactivated?
  • Operation, connection
Where can I find the instructions to install your emulator?
  • Development