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+7 900 933 66 55
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DualPass MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 6
365.00 eur
338.00 eur
311.00 eur
284.00 eur
263.00 eur
DualPass MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 6 DualPass MAN TGX / TGS / TGM Euro 6
Suitable for truck makes
all trucks
TGL, TGM, TGS, TGX -Series Euro6 (1990-2019)
Choose emulator (38)
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Frequently asked questions
It’s so easy to get info!
Do I need to dismantle the catalytic converter after the neutralization system deactivation?
  • Operation, connection
Is it necessary to change emulator models after a while?
  • Operation, connection
Does it work in the cold?
  • Support
What is CAN bus?
  • Operation, connection
How can I make sure that my CAN bus is in good working order?
  • Operation, connection
Is it necessary to keep SCR system or it can be removed after deactivation?
  • Operation, connection