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+7 900 933 66 55
Payment options
Payment is made after order approval.
DAF 106 EAS4 Euro 6
469.00 eur
439.00 eur
409.00 eur
379.00 eur
349.00 eur
DAF 106 EAS4 Euro 6
Suitable for truck makes
all trucks
XF/CF 106 (), EAS4 F7/H7 ()
Choose emulator (38)
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Frequently asked questions
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Are there any maintenance problems?
  • Operation, connection
How can I make sure that my CAN bus is in good working order?
  • Operation, connection
How can I become your regional dealer?
  • Partnership / Prices
Where can I find the instructions to install your emulator?
  • Development
Where are your products produced?
  • Development
What is the difference between your emulator and emulators of other manufacturers?
  • Development