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+7 900 933 66 55
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Module for Scania R/P/T/G/K Euro 4/5
132.00 eur
122.00 eur
112.00 eur
102.00 eur
92.00 eur
Module for Scania R/P/T/G/K Euro 4/5 Module for Scania R/P/T/G/K Euro 4/5
Suitable for truck makes
all trucks
R/P/T/G/K 360-760 (), Scania 4/5 series ()
Choose emulator (38)
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Can I connect or disconnect the emulator myself?
  • Operation, connection
Is there any video instruction?
  • Support
How to connect the emulator and where?
  • Operation, connection
Does the use of your emulator increase fuel consumption?
  • Development
What I should do if the check engine or AdBlue light is on and the SCR system is disabled?
  • Troubleshooting
What are your hours of work?
  • Support